Physical Science, the study of matter and energy, is a laboratory based introductory course that explores the major concepts in physics and chemistry. Topics of study include motion, force, work & energy, thermal energy, introduction to waves, electromagnetic spectrum, classification of matter, properties of atoms and the periodic table, radioactivity, and nuclear reaction. Laboratory experiences include different laboratory instrument work, technology applications, and basic laboratory skills. This course meets daily for 53 minutes for two semesters.
Throughout the year, this course will provide an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques and an understanding of the physical environment. The performance expectations for this course will blend with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to support students in developing useable knowledge that can be applied across the science disciplines.
Throughout the year, this course will provide an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques and an understanding of the physical environment. The performance expectations for this course will blend with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to support students in developing useable knowledge that can be applied across the science disciplines.
Assessment ----------------------------- 30% A 90 – 100
Lab Report & Project ----------------- 30% B 80 – 89
Classwork -------------------------------- 30% C 70 – 79
Homework -------------------------------- 10% D 60 – 69
F 0 – 59
Lab Report & Project ----------------- 30% B 80 – 89
Classwork -------------------------------- 30% C 70 – 79
Homework -------------------------------- 10% D 60 – 69
F 0 – 59
- ASSESSMENT (Quizzes and Tests). All tests and quizzes will be announced. Quizzes will be given at least once a week and unit test will be given after a unit or chapter is completed or at the end of each quarter.
- LAB WORK AND PROJECT. Laboratory reports are required for submission after each laboratory period. Laboratory activities missed due to an unexcused absence will result in a zero grade for the said activity. Students who are absent from class are responsible to do make up work for the missed class activities. Quarterly projects will be assigned and graded based on rubric.
- CLASSWORK. Graded class assignments will be given daily. These assignments include bell work activities, seatwork, guided notes, and class participation. Write the objectives of the day on top of your note sheets or guided notes.
- HOMEWORK. Homework will be assigned everyday and will be turned in the following class day. Homework will be graded.
All students are encouraged to bring all of their materials to class unless specified by the instructor:
- composition notebook, pen (DARK BLUE or BLACK ONLY).
- Q1 MOTION & FORCES – The Nature of Science, Motion, Forces
- Q2 ENERGY & WAVES – Work & Energy, Thermal Energy, Waves, EM Spectrum
- Q3 MATTER – Classification of Matter, Properties of Atoms and the Periodic Table
- Q4 CHEMICAL REACTIONS – Radioactivity, Nuclear Reaction, Chemical Reaction
BENGAL PRIDE (Classroom Expectations):
P Positive Attitude
R Respect
I Integrity
D Duty
E Engagement
R Respect
I Integrity
D Duty
E Engagement
- Tardy/Unexcused Absence Policy. Students are expected to come to class on time. Students who are tardy to class will receive ZERO for missed assignments, which may include a quiz (first 5 min of the time), warm-up and homework due on that day. If a student is tardy for two consecutive days, the parents will be notified. Excessive absences will result in a low grade, and possibly an E. It is the responsibility of the student to bring an excused pass from the attendance office upon return to class. It is also the duty of the student to obtain, complete and submit the missed assignments within the same number of days they were absent. Failure to submit make up work on time would mean a grade zero for the missed assignment.
- Homework Policy. Homework must be done and brought to class everyday. It must be turned in before instruction begins. Late homework will not be accepted.
- Cellphones / Mp3 player / IPod and other electronic devices. The use of these items in the classroom is prohibited. If brought to school, these items should be kept in the student’s locker. The electronic devices will be confiscated if used in the classroom and turned over to the proper authority. Parents of the student will be notified and should claim the confiscated item.
- Using the Bathroom and Water Fountain. Trips to the restroom and water fountain will not be allowed once instruction begins unless it is an emergency or the student has a medical condition (Supported with medical certificate). Students should use their breaks in between classes for these purposes.
- If you choose to break a rule, the following is implemented:
- First Offense: Verbal / Written Warning
- Second Offense: Teacher Conference / Parent Contact
- Third Offense: Referral to the Administrator